Tabvlae Geographicae Cl. Ptolem[a]ei
Coloniae Agrippinae : Kempen, 1578Temperature dependence of carbon kinetic isotope effect for the oxidation reaction of ethane by hydroxyl radicals under atmospherically relevant conditions
experimental and theoretical studiesJülich : Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek, [2016], © 2016Terrorism, corporate performance and business strategies
presence, impact, and futureWuppertal, 17. September 2020Theokritu eidyllia, tutesti mikra poēmata hex-kai-triakonta
Francofurti : Brubach, 1553Theoretical investigations on cluster formation in mass spectrometry
Wuppertal, März 2020Theoretical molecular spectroscopy of the methyl radical
Wuppertal, August 2018Die Theorie der Ressourcenerhaltung in der Arbeitswelt
Wuppertal, [2016]Theory and empirical evidence on the accuracy of ESG metrics
an empirical investigation of refinitiv ESG performance scoresElektronische Ressource, [Wuppertal], 26.10.2022Thēsauros tēs Hellēnikēs glōssēs /
2Parisiis : Didot, 1833