A detailed study of perturbative QCD predictions in e + e - annihilation and a precise determination of alpha s (M z)
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Hartung, Nicole M. ; Schebb, Nils Helge ; Bornhorst, Julia ; Bergische Universität WuppertalElektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, 2022Drei Studien zum Home-Office: eine Analyse von Work Engagement, organisationalem Commitment und informeller Kommunikation
Henftling, EhsanWuppertal, März 2024DIONYSII || LAMBINI MON-||STROLIENSIS RE-||GII PROFESSORIS,|| IN || Q. HORATIVM FLACCVM EX FIDE ATQVE || AVCTORITATE COMPLVRIVM LIBRORVM MANV-||scriptorum à se emendatum, et aliquoties recogni-||tum, et cum diuersis exemplaribus anti-||quis comparatum, multis[que] lo-||cis purgatum,|| Commentarii copiosissimi & ab auctore plus || TERTIA PARTE POST PRIMAM || EDITIONEM AMPLIFICATI.
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a design framework to support shared stakeholder agency in Pakistan's craft for empowerment systemKulick, GwendolynWuppertal, 2024Development of a data processing chain for a spatial heterodyne interferometer measuring temperature in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
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