- vom 31.8.2024
Harmonization of LC-MS oxylipin analysis to invesigate lipid mediator formation and signaling in immune cells
Elektronische Ressource, [Wuppertal], 2022
- vom 3.3.2024
Occurrence and formation of oxidized fatty acids in edible oils and their use as novel parameters to evaluate oil quality and authenticity
Elektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, 2023
- vom 13.4.2023
Development of analytical methods for the quantitative analysis of the enzyme abundance and activity in the Arachidonic Acid Cascade
Elektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, 2022
- vom 11.4.2023
Development of novel synthetic methodologies towards -and -Amino Acid Derivatives using Visible Light-Induced Photoredox Catalysis
Elektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, [2023]
- vom 5.4.2023
Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehung der Inhibition CYP-katalysierter Oxylipinbildung durch Flavonoide
Elektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, 2021