- vom 6.12.2023
Zu regional convergence in the Russian Federation
spatial and temporal dynamicsWuppertal : Bergische Universität Wuppertal, [September 2016]An alternative approach towards the knowledge production function on a regional level
applications for the USA and RussiaWuppertal : Bergische Universität Wuppertal, July 2016
- vom 5.12.2023
Religion, growth and innovation in contemporary Russia
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2014Price competition in the enlarged EU 27 export market and the role of foreign direct investment
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2014
- vom 30.11.2023
On the importance of growth spillovers and regional clustering in the Russian Federation
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2011A proposal for an alternative spatial weight matrix under consideration of the distribution of economic activity
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2011