45 Titles in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Physik → Physik ClassificationCloseFilters
jump to filter-options45 Titles in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Physik → Physik
Satellitenmessungen von Schwerewellen in der mittleren Atmosphäre mit CRISTA
Preuße, PeterWuppertal : Berg. Univ., Gesamthochsch. Wuppertal, Fachbereich 8, Physik, 2001A scalable multimodal approach for quantifying the nerve fiber architecture of the human brain
Benning, KaiWuppertal, Mai 2024Search for a heavy scalar Boson in the 2 Higgs doublet model with the ATLAS detector
Ernis, GunarWuppertal, 2. Oktober 2015Search for exotic double tracks with the IceCube neutrino telescope
Kopper, SandroWuppertal, April 2017Search for inclined photon air showers with the AugerPrime Radio Detector
Pawlowsky, JannisWuppertal, August 7, 2024Search for low relativistic magnetic monopoles at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Lauber, FrederikWuppertal, Juli 2021Search for mildly relativistic magnetic monopoles with IceCube
Pollmann, Anna MariaWuppertal, November 2015Search for scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying into quarks and leptons of different generations
Austrup, Volker Andreas ; Ellinghaus, Frank ; Etzion, Erez ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Bergische Universität WuppertalElektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, [2022]Search for top squarks in compressed scenarios of supersymmetry with the ATLAS experiment
Börner, DanielaWuppertal, [2018?]Search for ultra-high energy photons with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Krohm, NicoleWuppertal, März 2017Search for ultra-high-energy photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Papenbreer, PhilippWuppertal, 2.10.2020Search for vector-like partners of the top and bottom quarks with the ATLAS experiment
Roggel, Jens ; Ellinghaus, Frank ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Erdmann, Johannes ; Bergische Universität WuppertalElektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, August 2022Signal analysis and modelling of non-linear non-stationary phenomena
from human voice to financial marketsMatassini, Lorenzo2001