Dividend policy, corporate control and the tax status of the controlling shareholder
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2012Underwriter reputation and the quality of certification
evidence from high-yield bondsWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2013Financial signaling by innovative nascent entrepreneurs
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2009Strategic trading and trade reporting by corporate insiders
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2011How policy changes affect shareholder wealth
the case of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasterWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2011Disentangling the link between stock and accounting performance in acquisitions
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2011Unternehmerische Persönlichkeit
eine theoretische Rekonstruktion und nominaldefinitorische KonturierungWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2008Exploring organizational crises from a legitimation perspective
results from a computer simulation and illustrative casesWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2008Linking organizational crises and reactive strategies via dimensions of legitimacy
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2009Organizational crises and reactions from a legitimacy perspective
results from two multiple-case studiesWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2009Bedeutung der VC-Finanzierung für die Legitimierung junger Unternehmen
Ergebnisse einer empirischen StudieWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2009Gender differences in competitive preferences
new cross country empirical evidenceWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2014Energy and material efficiency innovations
the relevance of innovation strategiesWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2012Financial investments, information flows, and caste affiliation
empirical evidence from IndiaWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2011Gender differences in competitiveness, risk tolerance, and other personality traits
do they contribute to the gender gap in entrepreneurship?Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2011Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most entrepreneurial of them all?
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2010You can’t always get what you want
gender differences in job satisfaction of university graduatesWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2014Innovation, credit constraints, and trade credit
evidence from a cross-country studyWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2010Why powerful buyers finance suppliers’ R&D
Wuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2008Residuales organisationales Commitment
ein konzeptioneller Ansatz zur Erweiterung der BindungsforschungWuppertal : Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2012