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Atlas pixel opto-board production and analysis and optolink simulation studies / von Simon Kirichu Nderitu. 2007
1 Physics Goals at LHC and ATLAS
1.1 The Standard Model
1.2 The Range of the Fundamental Forces
1.2.1 The Electromagnetic Interaction
1.2.2 The Weak Interaction
1.2.3 The Strong Interaction
1.3 The top and the Higgs at LHC
1.3.1 The top-quark
1.3.2 Properties of the top
1.3.3 The top-quark decay modes
1.4 The higgs at LHC
1.4.1 Higgs production and Analysis
2 The LHC and the ATLAS Detector
2.1 The Large Hadron Collider
2.2 The ATLAS Detector
2.2.1 The Muon Spectrometer
2.2.2 The Calorimeter
2.2.3 The Inner Detector
2.2.4 The ATLAS Trigger System
3 The ATLAS Pixel Detector
3.1 Electronics of the Pixel Detector: The Module
3.1.1 The Sensors
3.1.2 Radiation Hardness Property by Type Inversion
3.1.3 Radiation Hardness Property by Oxygenating Silicon
3.1.4 The Sensor Design Features
3.1.5 The Deposition of Charge and Signal Generation
3.1.6 The Pixel Cell: Design and Operational Features
3.1.7 The Module Controller Chip: Design and Operational Features
4 The ATLAS Pixel Optolink and the Opto-Board
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Overview of the Off-detector Electronics
4.3 Overview of the On-Detector Eletronics
4.4 The Link Between the Off-Detector and the On-Detector
4.4.1 The Off-Detector TTC Transmission Part (BOC TX)
4.4.2 The Off-Detector Data Receiving Part (BOC RX)
4.5 The Opto-Board
4.5.1 The PiN Diode and the VCSEL Optopacks
4.5.2 The ASICs: DORIC and the VDC
4.6 The Optical Fibres
4.6.1 The Light Signal Coupling
5 The Opto-Board Production and Results
5.1 Fabrication of the Single Components
5.2 The Qualification Specifications
5.3 Thermal Characterization Requirements
5.4 The Test Set Up
5.5 Standardizing the setups
5.6 The General Production Measurements Steps
5.7 Measurements before Assembly
5.8 Measurements After Assembly
5.9 After Assembly Functionality Measurements
5.10 Quality Assurance Measurements
5.10.1 Burn-in Testing
5.10.2 Thermal Cycling
5.10.3 Full Characterization
5.10.4 The Optical Characterization at 10°C
5.10.5 The Optical Characterization at optoboard -10 °C
5.10.6 The Optical Power Measurement at Saturation
5.11 Conclusion
6 The Optical Power Calculation
6.1 The Components in Consideration
6.2 Calculation Strategy
6.3 Attenuation and Irradiation Effects
6.3.1 Total Attenuation
6.4 Power Loss Due to Irradiation
6.5 The Data Link Optical Power Calculation
6.5.1 The RX-plugin Working Range
6.5.2 The Optical Power
6.5.3 The Minimum Optoboard Power Required
6.5.4 Opto-boards with an Optical Power Dispersion
6.6 The TTC Link Optical Power Calculation
6.7 The TTC Limits
6.8 Conclusion
7 Timing Characteristics and Bit Error Rate
7.1 The System Test at Wuppertal
7.2 The Parameters Concerned
7.3 The General Procedure of the Study
7.4 The Tuning Process
7.5 Expected Effect
7.6 The Mark-Space Ratio
7.6.1 The MSR and the RX-Threshold
7.7 The Fine Delay
7.8 The Inter-relation between MSR and the Fine Delay
7.9 The Optimum MSR Settings when No Fine Delay is Applied
7.10 The Opto-board PiN Current in relation to MSR and the Fine Delay settings
7.11 The Interplay of Parameters and Tuning
7.12 Bit Error Counting in the System Test
7.13 Conclusion
List of Figures
List of Tables