The Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung(GSI) is the largest facility studying heavy ion colli-sions in Western Europe. It has many experiments for studying nuclear matter. One of these experiments is the High Acceptance Di-Lepton Spectrometer (HADES), which studies the physics ofrare probes produced in heavy ion collision. This thesis will explore the instrumentation project forHADES and its upgrade. Lepton detection in HADES is done using the Ring Imaging CherenkovCounter (RICH). It uses the phenomenon of Cherenkov radiation to identify and detect electrons and positrons and separate pions. HADES has been operational since the early 2000s and is now upgraded using Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tubes (MAPMT) and dedicated readout electronics specifically designed to focus on the physics goals of all future experiments of GSI. This new readout concept is called DiRICH, an FPGA-based readout that enables excellent time resolution. This thesis will discuss the performance tests done on the photon sensors and the readout electronics.The tests ensured the quality control of the sensors and readout electronics during the delivery phase and their eligibility to be used in the final upgrade of the HADES-RICH detector.