19 Titles in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Physik → Physik ClassificationCloseFilters
jump to filter-options19 Titles in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Physik → Physik
Parallelization of a data-driven independent component analysis to analyze large 3D-polarized light imaging data sets
Tabbì, GiuseppeWuppertal, April 2016Performance tests of depleted CMOS sensors for application at HL-LHC
Riegel, Christan JohannWuppertal, 27. April 2018Permittivity reconstruction and radio-propagation simulations to guide sub-surface radar exploration of ice moons and terrestrial glaciers for the Enceladus Explorer project
Kyriacou, Alexander Luke ; Helbing, Klaus ; Nelles, Anna ; Bergische Universität WuppertalElektronische Ressource, Wuppertal, 2023Perturbative calculations for standard model precision physics
Higgs production and Yang-Mills gradient flowNeumann, TobiasWuppertal, 2015Der Phasenübergang in der U(1)-Gittereichtheorie
Arnold, GuidoWuppertal : Berg. Univ. Wuppertal, Fachbereich 8, Naturwiss., 2003A popularity prediction and dynamic data replication study for the ATLAS distributed data management
Beermann, ThomasWuppertal, July 5, 2017Präzisionsmessung der Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Asymmetrie von b-Quarks
Bestimmung des elektroschwachen Mischungswinkels sin 2 Theta 1 effMünich, KlausWuppertal : Fachbereich Physik, Berg. Univ., Gesamthochsch. Wuppertal, 2001A precise determination of the forward backward asymmetry of b quarks
the final DELPHI result for A b FB using inclusive charge reconstruction and lifetime taggingLiebig, WolfgangWuppertal : Fachbereich Physik, Berg. Univ., Gesamthochsch. Wuppertal, 2003Precision physics from the lattice
calculation of the hadron spectrum, quark masses and kaon bag parameterKurth, Thorsten2011Properties of convective gravity waves derived by combining global modeling and satellite observations
Trinh, Quang ThaiWuppertal, 2016